READING - Ch. 2-5
This was a pretty huge chunk to read in a very short amount of time, but I really loved it! Even though I've read it before, I found many re-discoveries, and even brand new discoveries! I loved in chapter two, how it goes through the cycle of discovery that a baby goes through. It mentioned that when a baby starts crawling, "grabbing interesting things becomes a way of being in the world". It just goes to show, to me, that this world is meant to be interactive. We're not supposed to be so sucked into what has our immediate attention that we miss opportunities for growth outside of ourselves.
Something else that I loved was when she mentions that "Even without our awareness, the Fundamental Patterns of Total Body Connectivity are with us." As we study these patterns, it's really not like we're learning something brand new. Even though it may seem new in our minds, our bodies know these patterns. It's simply bringing it back to their remembrance.
I absolutely loved the steps in the change process that she listed on pages 24-26. They are all so true to how we work as imperfect human beings, and I can see how someone would gain a larger amount of growth by staying true to these steps. The two steps that stuck out to me the most were to: accept what you are doing, and how it serves you; and know that change is a process. I think these are steps that we tend to overlook or ignore. We don't want to accept what we are doing, because we're trying to change. However, there are things that must be acknowledged if you want them to be changed. There also may be some things that we are doing well and right, and we should use them to our advantage, and acknowledge that! It's also super important to remember that change is indeed a process. We're not going to become perfect all at once.
We talked about how babies who miss certain steps of their process, like skipping crawling and going straight to walking, may have missed an important developmental process. I just thought that was really interesting....and I'm sure I'll be one of those moms who makes sure my baby does everything in the right order, haha.
We also talked about how change is fundamental. In the book, it says "the process of living is a process of learning to live with change". Because, really...when is there ever a time in our lives when something isn't changing? Learning to live with, and grow from, change is essential.
I really love the questions that we are asked to ask ourselves: what is weak, what is rigid, and what is wanting to change? We talked about how, as we watch ourselves, we must address these questions in a way that contributes to the whole, and not from a judgmental lens. We're not trying to see what is good or bad, but just trying to make sense of the way that we move. From there, we can begin to make changes.
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