Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day Eight: Lower


Every time I read a chapter, I think that one is my favorite. They all have opened my eyes so much! This one was no exception. I loved how it talked about how "the role of the Upper Body is one of connection." It makes sense that we hug others with our upper bodies. I look at how people hug, and I realize it makes sense according to their personality how they hug. I can gain so much insight from a person now simply based off their style of hugging! And also why I'm drawn to people who are such warm, full huggers.

Probably the biggest thing that stuck out to me in this section was when it said "any blockage of movement in the Upper Body will mean that these organs are probably not getting their fullest support for activating their function." I immediately thought of how I have really had some issues with my breathing for the past while. Watching videos of my movement has shown me that I definitely hold tension in my abdomen/thoracic area. Obviously I am restricting my own lungs from working fully! I'm thinking it's a combination of several different influences, both internal and external. Now it's a matter of allowing that tension to be released.


One of the first things mentioned in class today, I think it was by Daniel, was about something in the reading. It was about how if your elbow is locked, you can't give or receive any kind of connection or information. For example, when you're doing swing dance, that's why they tell you to have a loose but firm arm. That way, you'll know where your partner is trying to lead you. We also talked about gradated rotation, which gives the image of allowing a joint to open through rotation little bit by little bit to create more space, instead of putting the joint on lockdown. If I could apply this to my hips, I know I could get such a greater range of motion! I need to start thinking more about it.

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