Right at the very beginning, there was a section that mentioned that "the skill of perceiving and really experiencing opposites comes to its zenith in this body stage. And without this stage, it is hard for an individual to know where s/he 'stands' on an issue." This clarified for me why I've always been sort of a fence-sitter. My Body-Half connection has never been strong, so I've just been lacking physically and psychologically.
I also loved when it talks about how if I fail to "discover and claim both sides I cannot come to an integration of who I am as a full human being, and I cannot tap my full resources as a dynamic mover, because my palette of 'color' and qualities of movement will be limited." Like most people, I've always struggled to figure out who "I" am, not really understanding there was more than one "side" to me. Since I've come to understand this, I have become so much more comfortable in my own skin.
We talked about how Body-Half is about organization, sidedness, clarity, and polarities. Kind of a lot of things, but so good! This is a connection that is pretty important psychologically. One of my favorite things about Body-Half is the fundamental of stability-mobility. Even though I've already learned about this, it seems to make a bit more sense to me this time around. I still have some growing to do before I can say that I've embodied it, but I'm getting closer!
The image that has been helping me the most is thinking of those props they have in front of stores sometimes...the guys that have air blowing up them. Because I tend to lock up my hip when trying to stabilize, the image of air blowing through helps a ton.
I also liked the tid-bit of information about how we sleep in Body-Half in order to allow our brains to organize the events that happened throughout the day. I didn't actually realize how much I do sleep in Body-Half until we talked about it.
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