Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day Four: Core-Distal (continued...)


We didn't actually have a reading assigned for today, since we're still on Core-Distal, but I did go back through really quickly as a refresher. There was one thing that I didn't mention last time that I really liked. It does kind of connect with what we were talking about in class last time, though. Anyway, in the book it says, "It is more like a star, pulsating and emitting energy from the center to move the distal ends, or bringing energy and sensory awareness from the ends of the extremities back into the center." That visual really worked for me. I know that I personally love to go out and come back in, but I have always had a hard time with going out in a way that I have new information and sustenance to bring back into myself.


At the beginning of the discussion today, Sister Hoopes asked us how we have used Core-Distal since we talked about it last time. For most people, it was more of just an awareness that it's a connection that does exist. That is true for me, but I have also been trying to imagine the colorful highway that I experienced during the movement explorations during last class. By doing that, I was able to think more about bringing information from the outside in. I am still having a hard time with it, but it's a work in progress!

What mostly helped me today was when we talked more about exploring this connection. It was brought up that it's okay to feel like you don't know where you are when starting to open new pathways and removing tension. I think that's part of my problem. I always want to feel secure in whatever I'm doing, so I assume I'm doing something wrong if I feel a little bit lost. But, in order to explore uncharted territory, it's kind of necessary to go out on a limb. In the dark. It's at that point that some light can be shed on our growth.

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