Monday, January 23, 2012

Tech Class

I should have posted this on Friday, but I've sort of deliberately been putting it off. I've been kind of frustrated with myself. For some reason, I feel like I've been digressing this semester. The movement I'm doing this semester is so different than what I was working on last semester, that I think maybe it's just hard for both my brain and body to accept the changes. Even the actual Somatic approach is different. Not that different is bad, it's just that I'm definitely a creature of habit, and if I'm not ready for change, I have a harder time accepting it and taking it in. But I'm definitely working on it.

I've been really trying to focus on my head/neck/back relationship in tech class. I think it's been pretty good...but in turn, I've sort of been neglecting the rest of my body. In my one-on-one on Thursday, she held onto my knees while I was in semi-supine, so I could try to release some tension I hold in my hips. It was super helpful to feel the difference between holding just enough to keep my legs up, and holding unnecessary tension. However...I wish I had thought about it a little bit more in class on Friday. Somehow I did something to mess up my hip that's still bothering me quite a bit. I'm really hoping to tap into these Alexander techniques more to be able to get rid of my stinkin' bad habits, and be able to stop destroying my body, and just give it the freedom to just move. I'm going to be really focusing on class this week to get as much out of it as I can, so I can really apply it. Wish me luck!

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