Friday, March 2, 2012


Todays class was pretty straight-forward in my opinion. We started off by doing the full warm up. I do really like doing the warm up better now than I did at the beginning of the semester. I'm not sure why it took me so long to be able to catch on to it like I should have been, but I'm just glad I'm finally starting to get somewhere with it. I feel like it's starting to give me a chance to warm myself up according to my own personal needs, even though I'm doing someone else's movement.

Then we did our plié sequence. Considering the fact that I don't really like pliés (since I kind of have short achilles, and can't get very deep in my pliés...), I actually like this sequence. It has some more sharp, throwing kind of movement, which makes more sense in my body than a lot of the movement we've been doing this semester. I do tend to like pliés in modern class better than ballet, anyhow.

After the pliés, we did the Paul Cardall sequence in groups. I'm still not super great at this, but I do really like it. While I am kind of known for being best at quick, sort of thrashy movement, it is really kind of nice to have slower, indulgent movement sometimes. I grew up always loving lyrical was almost always my favorite. So it's kind of nice to go back to the same sort of qualities of movement and see how I've grown, and see how much more I can grow.

I feel like I am always saying this, but it's still true. The more I learn, the more I truly realize I have so far to go, and so much still to learn.

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