Friday, February 17, 2012

Improv and Alexander in Tech Class

Today was just a nice day....we started off with quite a few songs of improv, and it was fantastic!! She gave us a couple of slower songs to give us some time to just get into our bodies first. Then she started giving us some different, faster songs. It was sooo much fun!!! Today was a reeeaaally good day improv-wise for me. I think it was sort of the after effects from yesterday, so I took advantage of that. There was one improv in particular that I really was a faster song, and Sister Wadsworth had told us to try exploring a body part that we wouldn't normally. I almost did my knees, but then I realized I do that every time someone tells me to try something new. So instead, I tried my chin and my elbows. It really changed up my movement, but it was nice. In fact, it somehow made me more aware of my environment, too. I actually kind of felt like I was doing a partner improv with Kelsey a lot of the time....we were really feeding off of each other's energy, and it was really a lot of fun!

Then we got into partners and just did some Alexander Technique. We did some primary control and walking, which I always just love. And then we did some mat work. It was actually really kind of cool being able to do the mat work to someone else. It was interesting to feel the different places someone else holds tension. I feel like it also made me more aware of my tension as I worked on helping them release theirs. Because even though I was the one working on them, it was also important that I continue breathing and releasing tension in my own body. I kind of want to try doing this with my roommates, and see how different it would be with non-dancers. We'll see if they actually let me....

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