Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back to Class

It was nice to meet as a class today after having a week off! We started off with an improv, and then did some primary control with a partner. I noticed that it was reeeaaally quite difficult for me to relax and allow for freedom of movement. Sister Wadsworth even mentioned a couple of times that she could sense that none of us were breathing very well...and I know that I was definitely a contributor of that. Through both the improv and the primary control, I had to almost constantly remind myself to breathe.

I also kept trying to figure out why I was having such a hard time today. My first thought was that it was because I'm so sore today (why? I'm not totally sure...). But then again, I've been sore during previous classes, and it usually felt good to do some improv and primary control. So then I thought that maybe it's because I had the week off, and I got lazy. Maybe my body is trying to pick back up where it left off, but is just having a hard time. Which could be very accurate...and it may be that it's a combination of the time off and from having so many sore muscles.

Then we tried this exercise where we just do one simple motion--we mostly did lifting our arms above our head--and feel how we normally do it, and where we hold tension. Then we continue doing it, trying to eliminate unnecessary tension, so that we're only using what we need. Again, I was having a really hard time feeling what was supposed to be happening. I could pretty much only feel tension. Maybe it's also due to the fact that I've been trying to allow change to happen in that area of my body (you know...the whole awkward hands bit), and so I'm now in an awkward in between phase? I don't know. Hopefully I can get out of this rut soon though!

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