Monday, February 6, 2012

Old Habits Die Hard

We went back to doing the set warm up in class this morning. We did once all together as a class, and then we got into partners and watched each other do it. Then we gave/received feedback based on our movement. This was super helpful, especially since I had Kelsey as a partner. I think it helped that I know Kelsey, and I'm comfortable around her, so I knew that the giving/receiving of feedback would be 100% honest, without any awkwardness.

The response I got was kind of interesting, but not completely surprising. First, she told me that my floor work was really good! That made me happy, because that was something I focused on a lot last semester.
I used to have a hard time being able to "melt" into the floor, and allowing the floor to support me, so it was nice to receive validation that my efforts are paying off.

Then she talked about how I was a little bit "lazy" with my turnout, and that I tend to supinate. I'm positive this is because of how many times I've sprained my ankles and
never really let them heal. It's something I used to be highly aware of, but I think I've just gotten used to it, and sort of let the fact slide. So it's good to be made re-aware, so I can make sure my ankles are in the right place, preventing any future injuries.

Something that was interesting was that she told me there was something in the general vicinity of my arms that she didn't like....but she couldn't put her finger on it. So I suggested that it might be my hands, and then she agreed. My hands are something that I've been focusing on since probably my senior year of high school. I know that somehow I don't allow the energy to completely release out through my hands, and so I think I've become too focused on them, making them awkward and forced.

It's just kind of funny, because my ankles and my hands are things I used to be hyper-aware of, but somehow I've let them slide to the back burner. It's really good to realize that they still need attention, especially now that I have been given better "tools" to fix them with.

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