Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Modern Technique

We did some of the same stuff today that we did on Monday, but went a little further into detail. We talked about our placement for a rebound action, and I discovered that I may have been releasing too much, which could be the reason my back has been soo sore for the past two days. So I tried to find the balance between being in the correct vicinity, without going to a "place", and still allowing a release in the spine. It was a lot harder than I expected, so it was really interesting to play with.

Through all of the combinations during class today, I still feel like some of my old habits are re-manifesting themselves in my body. It's really starting to frustrate me, because I feel like I'm becoming worse as a dancer, which is the opposite of what I'm going for. The only (positive) thing I can think of that may be the cause of this, would be that it gets worse before it can get better. As if, in order to purge these bad habits, I've got to pull them all to the surface to make them easier to get rid of. I have no idea if that's actually the case, but that's what I'm going with for now!

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